Hillary B Taylor Attorney

Estate Planning

What is Estate Planning?

An estate plan is a set of documents to protect and enforce your wishes during incapacity or after death. Estate planning is also a process, involving analysis, review of existing documents and structures, consultation with your team of advisors and the creation of the documents.
What do we do for you?

Creating Documents:  

  • Wills: name an executor, guardian for children, and designate heirs to inherit.
  • Deeds: survivorship deed and transfer on death designations may be good options to avoid the need to file with the probate court for the property.
  • Beneficiary Designations: name individual(s) or charities to directly receive assets at your death, such as IRA, investment accounts, life insurance, etc.
  • Durable General Power of Attorney: name an Agent for financial and legal matters.
  • Health Care Power of Attorney: name an Agent for health care decisions.
  • Living Will: make your own end of life decisions.
  • Trusts: carry out special wishes like deferred distribution, provide for current spouse but preserve assets for children, special needs planning, asset protection planning, transition closely held business interests, hold out of state property.

Creating Strategy:  Analysis of family structure and goals, as well as nature of assets to determine your  estate planning needs; review existing plan if any, and determine need for updates based on:


Consider a team approach, including your investment, insurance and tax advisors to ensure your entire plan is consistent with your documents.

Get In Touch:

    Contact Us:


    2305 E. Aurora Ed. Suite A-1 Twinsburg, OH 44087